March-April 1999

March 11-14 Clearlife ® Lifeworks Clinic Program, Friel Associates, St. Paul, MN 651/628-0220
March 24-28 Clearlife ® Lifeworks Clinic Program Chance To Change Foundation, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 405/840-9000
April 10 Our Annual Spring Workshop ** Holiday Inn, Arden Hills, Minnesota, 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon ** HOW TO AVOID THE 7 WORST THINGS PARENTS DO ** Copies of John & Linda's New Book Will Be Available For Purchase. Workshop Cost: $20 preregistered before April 3, 1999 - $25 at the door. Call Clearlife ® Productions at: (651) 628-0220 or fax your credit card information to (612) 904-0340 or mail check to Friel/Clearlife ® PO Box 120148 New Brighton, MN 55112-0013
April 16-17 and April 30 & May 1 Working With Adults And Children From Dysfunctional Families. Graduate Continuing Education class offered for credit through the University Of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN. Course presented at Wadena technical College, Wadena, Minnesota.
April 21-25 Clearlife ® Lifeworks Clinic Program, Sioux Falls, SD, Contact Priority One Resources, 605/336-3691